Published on 24 Mar 2012

Tips For Organising Your New Home

As soon as you move into your new home, you will find yourself staring at a huge mess and wondering where to put what, and when to do it!

It can be overwhelming and stressful- it looks like a lot to take in and do when all you want is to take a big nap!

Organize yourself with a planner - this will help get your space in order. That's all you have, spaces to fill and furniture to maneuver into the rooms to make the space look brilliant! First thing to do would be make sure the space is clean, have a good sweep, get rid of the dust and/or stains that could be present. Start with the bedrooms, as the first thing you would want to do is have a good night's sleep after an exhausting day! Waking up in a clean, organized room feels great, especially after a stressful move.

Next, don't forget your daily routine- washing your clothes, ironing, arranging them in a proper place, get your family and kids involved, it's their new home too, and it can be a nice, fresh experience. You still have to do your daily tasks, but as soon as you start to get your place in order the quicker you will find yourself relaxing, sipping on a fruity cocktail with your feet up, staring at your family, with a smile, appreciating a fresh start.

Arranging and re-arranging your furniture can be challenging, physically and emotionally. Get the big items where you want them, even if it's not the ‘Perfect' place, get it done, so little by little you see your house becoming a home, and even if you end up moving the couch 500 times or trying your bed out in various ‘Feng-shui' placements, by getting everything in its proper room and space you can begin to feel at peace with your surroundings and more comfortable instead of uneasy in your own home!

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