Frequently asked questions

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We can move your bike or scooter, however the fuel tank must be completely empty.

Given good access it takes 1-2 hours for 2 guys to load up a full 4 tonne truck. If there are staircases or more than a 20m walk to the truck, at least another hour will be needed. The drive there is subject to traffic conditions and then unloading is approximately 2%2F3 of the time taken to load, given good access. The drivers are Fit, Fast, Professionals and will get the move done as fast as possible. If you have more than a 3 bedroom house to move, we can send a team out to do a fixed quote.

Everybody is different and so is every move! It would be impossible for me to give you an exact time that the move would take and there are lots of factors that affect this. Obviously they will work as hard as they can to get your move done in the shortest possible time. Being ready to go will decrease the time and making sure the access is great will speed the process up and keep your costs down.

The time slot is purely the start time for the move. The guys will keep working until they have completed the move, remember, no job is too big or small. They will be with you between those times and give you a call when they are around 30 minutes from your pick-up address.

Our guys are fast, fit, and efficient and will do the job as quickly and safely as they possibly can. They are highly experienced and have been working with us for some time. They use their skills and experience to make your move go smoothly.

Citymove have Public Liability insurance, which covers damage to any of the properties during the move. We also have Transit insurance, which covers your items if the truck is involved in an accident and rolls over. Your furniture is instantly not covered otherwise. Additional insurance can be provided for a small extra cost (depending on value of furniture). This additional insurance will cover damage caused by every other possible situation, including accidents that are outside the control of you or the removalists. Please check out our insurance section in other services for a free insurance quote, or call and ask one of our move coordinators.

We often advise to have a third man, if you have a particularly large job, or if you just want to speed up the move. 3 men work a lot faster as a team, and this can reduce the total cost of your move by up to 30%.

A third man is a must if you are moving a piano, or a particularly large or heavy item to ensure optimum safety for both the items and the removalists.

A third man is also necessary if any of your items need to go over a balcony.

The extra is to send the best piano team in your area with all the equipment required to perform your move professionally and safely reducing the risk of damage.

For interstate moves, we require a 20% deposit to make a booking. This ensures that the space for you is booked on the truck, and no one else can take this space. The balance is required a few days prior to pick up.

Backloading means that you only pay for the space you need! You can share the truck with another customer, and we quote based on the inventory list you give us. You do not pay for any space that your items do not take up.

If on the day you have more than originally anticipated, we can help! We may have space on the truck for your items to go and extra space can be bought on the day directly from the driver! If we do not have space of the truck, we can pick up the remaining items and bring them to storage for an additional cost. We will then organise to have the remaining items put on the next available interstate run.

Absolutely! We just need 48 hours notice when access is needed.

Storage is charged in monthly increments. The first month is taken at the time of booking, then additional payments are automatically charged on the same date every month thereafter.