Published on 13 Apr 2012

Checking for Fire Safety “Don't Be One of the Unlucky Ones”

Today is Friday the 13th, a day many people consider unlucky, a day of bad omens, and bad events.

Some people just believe it's a matter of making your own luck and one way to increase your luck is to make sure the new place you move into is safe in every way you can manage.

We'd like to encourage you to follow the advice of fire experts and make sure the house you're currently in has fully functioning smoke alarms and that the batteries are in good, fresh working order. They recommend that they be changed every six months.

We'd also advise that if you're moving into a new place, you immediately change the batteries to be sure they're fresh and new, who knows how long it has been since the last tenant changed the batteries?

A few more friendly tips in the name of fire safety:

Make sure everyone in the house is aware of, and has practiced, the best exit strategies - you could make it a fun event with your kids.

Never leave open flames or cooking unattended.

Switch off your power points and appliances when not in use.

Clothes dryers are prone to catching fire so make sure you clean out the lint filter every time.

For more information, you can also visit:

Happy Friday the 13th!