Published on 8 May 2012

Hire Removailsts for Hassle-Free Moving

There are really only three choices if you want to move house. You can either do the move yourself by renting a DIY truck, you can get some friends to help you out, or you can hire a professional removalist. As with anything else, there are pros and cons to each one of these methods of moving.

Obviously, getting friends to help you out with your move is going to be the most cost-effective way of doing a move. It's most likely going to be free—although you may have to fork out for some beer or pizza for payment. You might even try to organise a party that happens to coincide with doing the move so that you can trick some friends into coming over and helping you out with a few things while they're there. This option can be very cheap, but it usually takes a lot of time as it's not always done in one go, and you have to worry about your friends breaking your beloved glass cabinet or scratching your original aboriginal painting.

The next option is to rent your own truck for house moving. This is good if you want a cheaper option then a removalist, and have the time to do the move on your own. This one also works with friends as well, so that you can load everything onto the truck and move it into your new place. Again though, the same as moving with the help of your friends, this is usually very time-consuming as you have to move everything on your own and usually over a period of a few days, depending on how much stuff you have.

Even though these two options do seem more cost-effective, the amount of time and energy that you save by hiring a professional removalist in Perth or any other major city will far outweigh the amount of money that you would save with the other options. It may be a bit more expensive, but you know that the move will be done as quickly but as carefully as possible. You don't have to worry about breaking your back over moving anything yourself, although you are welcome to help if you want to in order to make the move go a bit faster, and it takes away the hassle of trying to get all of your friends together on the same day—especially on the exact day and time that you need them.

So if you are choosing a way of doing a cheap furniture removalist in Melbourne, then book your move today with Citymove for a hassle-free move that you will be telling all of your friends about!