Published on 16 May 2012

How Important is Time?

Everyone values their time differently. For some people, that extra five minutes that you get to sleep in the morning can make your day, whereas the last five minutes of a work day can break your spirit. A few hours at the park or beach is nothing and goes by quickly, but when you are moving out of your house, a few hours can be long and harsh on your mind and body. Conception of time is different for everyone, but everyone knows that their own and everyone else's time is important. Citymove knows that your time is valuable and especially when you are paying for a service that is based on time, we aren't going to waste your time or your money.

But what makes your move actually worth the time? You know that you are paying for every minute that they are there and you want to make every minute that they are working worthwhile. Does this mean that you want to hire a removalist that will definitely be there on-time and will even pay you back for each minute that they are late? Or does this mean that you want to make sure that the guys are not wasting any time while they are on your job, such as taking breaks during the move?

There are many ways in which time can be wasted during the course of the move, and many of them are things that you don't even think of, such as being unprepared to tell the removalists what you want where and which items you want wrapped or not. Another way that time can be wasted is when people are distracted—whether it is you or the removalists. Little distractions can take a lot of time and should be taken care of as soon as possible.

The best way to save time during a move, however, is to hire removalists that are not professionally trained, and are not fit enough to do the work that you put to them, let alone to do it for hours on end. Some companies may charge less per minute or per hour, and that is usually the bottom line with most customers, but these companies might send out guys who either don't know what they are doing, and therefore not get the job done right, or they may be guys that are small and unfit that will take much longer to do your job then it should take.

So is your time worth being wasted by a company that will take longer on purpose to make more money off of your move? Or is it worth a company that will work hard, with professional removalists that do three to four jobs per day and will work as quickly but as carefully as possible? What is your time worth?