Published on 31 Aug 2012

It's Officially Over!

Robert Pattinson has officially put his house that he shared with Kristen Stewart on the market. He has said that there are too many memories in the house with Kristen. It seems as though he is moving on, as it's only been a month since Stewart's cheating scandal was let loose on the public. It has been a very public and open scandal and though there are those who would root for them getting back together, it also takes a lot of self-assurance for Pattinson to make a stand with all of those fans that want the two to make it because of the characters that they portray in the Twilight films.


There are also rumours that on the other side of the globe that in Herefordshire, England, Liz Hurley and former cricketer Shane Warne are looking to buy Donnington Hall near Ledbury, valued at £6 million. This follows that he is putting his house in Melbourne on the market.

Putting your house on the market is one of the first steps of your move. You have to go through the stress of wondering when your house will sell and then organising your move. You also want to buy a new house, and you want settlement of either property to happen within a few days or weeks so that you don't have to trouble with storage of your items.

Even if you've just put your house on the market, Citymove can help you with your move, from the packing boxes to the cleaning. And if you are looking for Removalists Adelaide or any other of the major cities, we are the company for you.

You can call us on 1300 72 9994 to talk to our move coordinators about your move and the options that we would have, as we do any size move. Or visit our website on to book online or just to get a bit more information.