Published on 24 Mar 2012

Moving an Office? Here's How

The task of managing an office move is never an easy one. With loads to do, and endless things to juggle, you're going to need all the help you can get. If you've never harmonised or taken care of an office-move before, here are some tips for the basic stages of getting your relocation project off to the best possible start :

Choose your Relocation Team:

A successful office move requires a collaborative effort. Chose people within your organisation who might have the right knowledge and capability that will be useful for the various stages of an office move. Delegate tasks where necessary and meet regularly to update everyone on progress.

Set a Budget :

Moving office can be costly for any business. By creating a realistic budget, (taking into consideration the size of the office, the amount of furniture you will have to move, all the people you are actually relocating), you will be able to control your moving office costs and avoid any overspend. Here at Citymove we do office moves, for a affordable rate with service second to none!

Whether you're planning a small office move down the road, or relocating a larger business to a different City, you are going to need to have a clear and realistic timeline of events and tasks that need to be completed. Generally speaking, the larger the company the larger the office you will need, and therefore more advanced planning is required. Doesn't really matter how large the company is, it's wise to get off to an early start to reduce the amount of disruption to your business and give yourself the best possible chance of a successful outcome.

A few tips before you relocate your office!

12 months Prior : Commence office lease negotiations with the Landlord, find a property solicitor to review the lease documentation.

9 months Prior : Once you know your moving out / in date, book in with Citymove. Decide which items are going to the new office, what needs to be purchased new and what's going to be recycled.

6 months Prior : Commence office design and fit-out of the new office and agree the new space layout.3 months Prior : Order any new phone lines and arrange for utilities and services to be transferred at the appointed date. (Citymove offers a FREE utility reconnection service see “Other services” for more information).

2 months Prior : Start planning your IT Relocation and discuss which items need to be upgraded or replaced. Devise a suitable IT Test Plan to ensure all equipment is working as it should when you arrive at the new office. Backup all valuable data and store off-site.

1 month Prior : Start sending out your Change of Address Notification to clients and suppliers and reprinting stations.